Privacy policy

Browsing Disclaimer

Aware of the importance of the protection of personal data, Moovie S.rl. (Moovie) informs its website (“Website”, accessible on users (“Interested Parties”) that the Data they provide, willingly or unwillingly, by browsing the Website or contacting the addresses listed on it, will be processed in compliance with the relevant legislation.

In this regard, Moovie encourages the Interested Parties to read the following information, listed pursuant to art.13 of the Guidelines (EU) no.2016/679 (“Guidelines”). It remains understood that Moovie reserves the right to update this disclaimer, following dedicated communication to the Interested Parties with a post on the Website.

Regarding further services provided by the Website (for instance, subscribing to the newsletter or using the “Contacts” form), please remember that specific Processing Disclaimers related to them are available.

  1. Types of collected data (“Data”), purposes and legal basis of processing
  1. Browsing Data

The informatic systems and software procedures designated for the functioning of the Website acquire, throughout their normal activity, some of the Interested Parties’ personal Data, whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. In this category: IP addresses, domain names of the terminal of users who access the Website, MAC addresses, URI addresses for the requested resources, method used to submit the request to the server, dimension of the file received in response, the numeric code showing the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relative to the operative system and to the informatic setting of the user. Moovie processes such Data for the following purposes:

obtaining statistical anonymous information about the use of the Website and checking its proper functioning.. The legal basis legitimating such processing is art.6 par.1, Letter B of the Guidelines, since it’s necessary to allow the Interested Parties to use the requested service (namely, browsing the Website).

fulfil legal obligations or requests from Judicial Authority.. The legal basis legitimating such processing is art.6 par.1, Letter C of the Guidelines since it’s necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the Data controller is subjected.

  1. Data willingly provided by the user

Every time the Interested Parties send e-mails to the addresses listed on the Website, they submit personal Data (for example, full name, e-mail address, further data contained in the message). Moovie processes said Data for the following purposes:

answering, always by e-mail, to the requests submitted by the Interested Parties.. The legal basis legitimating such processing is art.6 par.1, Letter B of the Guidelines, since it’s necessary to provide the Interested Parties the requested service (namely, to follow up on their requests);

fulfil legal obligations or requests from Judicial Authority.. The legal basis legitimating such processing is art.6 par.1, Letter C of the Guidelines since it’s necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the Data controller is subjected.

In this regard, Moovie encourages the Interested Parties not to share, through the tools available on the Website or, in any case, with the addresses listed therein, “specific Data”, as defined by the law (namely, for example, Data related to one’s health status or Data related to religious beliefs). Such Data, if submitted, will be cancelled immediately.

  1. Cookie

The Website makes use of technical cookie (session and browsing) in order to guarantee a regular browsing and fruition experience. The Website also makes use of third-party profiling and analytic cookies (with limited identification properties) in order to track the use the Interested Parties make of it, optimize the web platform and obtain statistics. For all information related to the processing of Data via cookie please refer to the corresponding disclaimer, accessible on the footer found on every page of the Website, as well as on the following link.

  1. Duration of Data storage

Browsing Data are stored during the period of provision of the service and then cancelled or made anonymous within 7 days from their submission.

Data submitted willingly by the Interested Parties by filling out the forms available on the Website or sending communications to the addresses listed therein will be cancelled at the end of the requested service or after having received the Interested Parties’ request, and in any case within no more than 15 days since the end of said activity, except the ones necessary in compliance with tax, financial and administrative laws or to fulfil other legal obligations and to record the activities which have been carried out.

  1. Methods of processing

Data are processed with electronic tools by authorised personnel; they are organised in databases and stored on supports which are suitable for it. In this regard, Moovie has adopted specific safety measures in order to prevent them from being lost or used illicitly or improperly and to prevent unauthorised access.

Moovie does not resort to automatised decision-making processes.

  1. Data provision

To be able to utilise the Website, Interested Parties must provide browsing Data. Such provision is compulsory: without it, browsing the Website will be impossible.
Instead, Data provision for further purposes is optional: without it, there will be no consequences, although it might be impossible to provide an answer to the request made.

  1. Data Communication

Data may be communicated to: (i) subjects to whom laws or secondary regulations recognise the right and interest to access said Data; (ii) societies, associations, or professional studies Moovie resorts to for the execution of specific activities, the fulfilment of legal obligations and any organisational and administrative need necessary to provide the requested services, following their appointment as Data Controllers (“Data Controllers”). The names of the Data Controllers appointed can be requested by writing to the addresses listed on point 9. It remains understood that the Data will not be disclosed.

  1. Data transfer outside of the EU or to international organisations

Moovie does not transfer Data acquired through browsing or fruition of services available on the Website to countries located outside the EU or to international organisations.

  1. Link to third-party websites or services

This disclaimer only refers to personal Data processing carried out through the Website or the tools it utilises and not to other websites visited by the Interested Parties, even if only by clicking a link. Please remember that the supervisors of such additional websites act as autonomous Data Controllers and might adopt different processing policies and, therefore, it is recommended to consult the relative disclaimers.

  1. Interested Parties’ rights

The Interested Parties can exercise, at any given moment, their rights as per Guidelines. Among them the right:

– to request information regarding: (i) Data origin; (ii) purposes and methods of processing; (iii) adopted logic in case of use of electronic tools; (iv) our and our Supervisors’ identification details.

– to obtain: (i) access, update, correction, or integration of Data;(ii) cancellation, anonymisation or locking of Data processed in violation of the law; (iii) limitation of Data processing; (iv) a copy of the Data in standard form.

– to oppose, in full or in part, the processing which has been carried out:

a) for scientific, historical, analytical purposes, even if relevant to the purposes of the collection, whenever said opposition be based on reasons related to one’s specific situation;

b) to carry out a task of public interest or linked to the exercise of the public authorities Moovie could be invested of as Data Controller or in order to pursue its legitimate interests;

c) to send promotional, advertising, and direct marketing material.

– revoke, at any given moment, the previously granted consent, based on which the processing is warranted, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent granted before its revocation.

– submit, if they deem the Data processing carried out by Moovie to be in violation of the regulations, a complaint to the Supervisory Authority of the member State they usually reside or work in or of the place the alleged violation has taken place in.

The Italian Supervisory Authority’s contacts are listed on its website.



  1. Data Controller

The Data Controller is Moovie S.r.l. (VAT no.08533450964), with registered office in 41, Corso San Gottardo, 20136 Milano, in the person of its pro tempore legal representative. Moovie can be contacted at the following e-mail address:

To exercise the aforementioned rights, the Interested Parties can write to the following e-mail address: