Moovie Art & Media develops and implements projects for artistic experimentation in the cultural and social fields. It promotes creativity and independent cinema by supporting the production of films and documentaries.

Art & Media Research

The desire for innovation finds its place in Moovie Art&Media Department, where experiments in new technologies and unconventional workflows meet new languages and cross different media. In order to facilitate this dialogue between technology and creativity, Moovie promotes different film and multimedia productions, providing its equipment and know-how.

Collaborative Achievements

Over the years Moovie helped carry out projects of high artistic and cultural value. Discover the selection of our favourite productions.

LE VOCI SOLE (Lonely voices)


Due to the pandemics, Giovanni is left without a job and has to emigrate to Poland in search of a new employment. He keeps in touch with his wife and son thanks to long daily video calls, during which she teaches him how to cook. When one of these calls goes viral on the net, the couple achieves a popularity that could be the solution to all their economic problems.

Directors: Andrea Brusa and Marco Scotuzzi
Production: Nieminem Film
Year: 2022

MI CHIEDO QUANDO TI MANCHERÒ (I wonder when you’ll miss me)


A dramatic comedy, a tale that tackles crucial themes such as the challenges of adolescence and the importance of finding your own path without giving up on your dreams, in a style combining realism and poetry. The script is based on “I wonder when you’ll miss me”, the second book, and first novel, by the American writer Amanda Davis, who tragically died in 2003 in a plane accident.

Director: Francesco Fei
Production: Apnea Film, Invisibile Film, Casta Diva Pictures, in collaboration with RAI Cinema
Year: 2019

UN ALTRO GIORNO (Another day)


Alex is 15, his parents just split and he’s going to play his first basketball game in the team of his new hood. Clem gets back late from work, and they get late to the game. Clem’s guilt raises, and only Alex can fix it.

Director: Simone Saponieri
Production: MOOVIE and Habanero
Year: 2019



Milan, actual time. By Night. Three boys, about twenty years old, aboard a SUV, go through the deserted streets of the city center. They suddenly stop the car near a park, go down and attack an occasional walker, leaving him unconscious in a puddle of blood.

Director: Fabio Martina
Production: Circonvalla Film
Year: 2017

Contact us

For any questions, requests and price quotations, please get in touch with ART & MEDIA.