Moovie Art & Media develops and implements projects for artistic experimentation in the cultural and social fields. It promotes creativity and independent cinema by supporting the production of films and documentaries.

Art & Media Research

The desire for innovation finds its place in Moovie Art&Media Department, where experiments in new technologies and unconventional workflows meet new languages and cross different media. In order to facilitate this dialogue between technology and creativity, Moovie promotes different film and multimedia productions, providing its equipment and know-how.

Collaborative Achievements

Over the years Moovie helped carry out projects of high artistic and cultural value. Discover the selection of our favourite productions.

LE STANZE DI AMLETO (Hamlet’s rooms)


Inspired and based on the theatrical play HAMLET by William Shakespeare.
 A show on the perception and projection of the imaginary character of Hamlet into reality. Words that produce images, that like drops pollute, color, transform our deepest feelings, modifying the choices and destinies of the characters. A performative and corporeal path that strips the text down to the essential.

Scenic score and direction by: Irina Galli
Production: A Contemporanea, Study for actors of CSA and MOOVIE
Year: 2023

Le Stanze Di Amleto Poster 2023

3ORIZZONTI (3horizons)


A journey to discover possible futures by listening to the Universe. Art and Science intertwine, experimenting with languages ​​through different media. Science communicators together with musicians and visual artists imagine future scenarios with exhibitions, installations, films and live performances.

Authors: Stefano De Felici and Federico Mazza
Scientific Advisors: Roberto Paura and Sandro Bardelli
Music Artists: Eloisa Manera and Stefano Greco
Patronage: INAF (National Institute of Astrophysics) and IIF (Italian Institute for the Future)
Production: LAMPO TV and MOOVIE
Year: 2022



A flying saucer pops out from a wormhole, landing onto the rooftop of a skyscraper in New York. Two robotic aliens get off the aircraft, look around inquisitively and are astonished by what they see. According to their data Earth should be a zero-impact planet, but their instruments indicate high CO2 levels in the atmosphere. They may have landed on the wrong planet. Or perhaps it is the planet that is wrong.

Director: Stefano Girardi
Production: MOOVIE
Year: 2022




The project combines graphic novel and documentary: it is the story of two journeys, in search of life and hope, beyond the real and imaginary borders that hinder the spread of the cry “STAY HUMAN”. The two border stories of Carlo and Jamila, begin in the pages of the graphic novel “Stay Human” and continue in the documentary “Gioja22”. Book and film, like two acts of the same opera, dialogue through media and together create a multimedia fresco.

Director: Stefano De Felici
Production: MOOVIE and LAMPO TV
Year: 2021



The Italian dream factory today is just a memory. The multimedia contents of the Ferrania Film Museum tell the story of film and cinema in our country, in a journey between analogue and digital, between real and virtual.

Directors: Stefano De Felici and Enrico Bonino
Digital Artists: Federico Mazza and Maddalena Oppici
Production: LAMPO TV, DLQ Creative Factory and MOOVIE in collaboration with 3M Foundation and Municipality of Cairo Montenotte (SV)
Year: 2018

2 GRADI DI SEPARAZIONE (2 degrees of separation)


2 Degrees of Separation is a web series that tells about climate change through the eyes of an astronaut boy who, from the future, returns to a crucial turning point in history: when global temperature had not yet exceeded the limit of 2 degrees Celsius, that is when the environmental crisis could still be averted.

Director: Stefano Girardi
Production: MOOVIE
Year: 2018

2 gradi di separazione

Contact us

For any questions, requests and price quotations, please get in touch with ART & MEDIA.